Tuesday, October 1, 2013

World Wide Web

The cloud is using various servers on a network online to contain and process information, in contrast to a server on a personal computer. There are different types such as public clouds which can be accessed by anyone, and private clouds which are reserved for specific people. There are also community clouds that can be shared amongst companies, and hybrid clouds which can operate personally and publicly amongst a private entity as well.
In terms of what the future of the World Wide Web has in store for us, the possibilities are endless. For instance, the way we use technology is becoming more and more personalized. We can adjust the settings of our computer, and edit anything from hardware and even software. We are able to create our own playlists, and our personal computers keep track of our favorite things such as websites and locations. In Google’s New Director Of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, Is Building Your ‘Cybernetic Friend’, the idea of a more personalized search engine on our personal computers is discussed. This takes the idea way past simply keeping track of our search history, and rather search engines will be becoming more personalized. Kurzweil says: “is the window to creating a genuine artificial brain, that can understand the meaning of ideas and concepts”.So in the future we might see computers that can actually keep track of all the activity on our computer such as email, and then later correlate it to our search engines to provide a better experience. A similar idea of how the World Wide Web is becoming more personalized and user-friendly is discussed in Facebook search: Facebook adding search feature, in which the search engine has been incorporated into Facebook, to help the user keep better track of their friends, and favorite things like music and restaurants.

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