Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Robots and Humans

 1. Can robots do what humans can?

Though robots are capable of many things that humans aren't, robots cannot do everything humans can. For instance, they are unable to feel emotion on its own unless programmed, they are unable to make higher level decisons in terms of thinking. Also robots are unable to make on the spot decisions, in terms of adapting to certain situations. In Autonomous Robots in the Fog of War it states:"As robotic systems become more autonomous, they will also need the ability to consider the advice, guidance, and opinions of human users. That is, humans won't be dictating behavior or issuing hard directives, but they should still be able to influence the robot's planning and decision making." This proves that though humans are able to influence a robot's decision making, a robot still cannot entirely think for itself.

2. What do you think of a robotic car?

I think the robotic car would be a very innovative progression in the field of automotive technology. It would also provide more freedom to the driver, who are always being distracted by talking on the phone or texting, which often lead to accidents. They can also help reduce the drunk driving effect due to the fact that the driver would not be manually operating the car. This is noted in Shut Your Eyes and Drive, when saying: "With fallible humans taken out of the loop, autonomous cars should even reduce the risk of accidents. Yet many legal and practical challenges remain before such vehicles can be given the freedom of the roads."

3. Who is more likely to make errors - robots or humans?

Though a strong case can be made for both sides, I ultimately believe a human is more likely to make errors than a robot. The reason being that if robots are programmed and assembled correctly, they will carry out these various tasks and directions in repetition doing the same thing every time,  reducing the error margin. Humans on the other hand are constantly making mistakes.


  1. I agree with number three. I believe that humans are more likely to make an error since robots are programmed and assembled correctly.

  2. I too agree with your answer to the third question. Robots are programmed to do the same thing over and over, therefore humans are more likely to commit error than the robots.

  3. As a computer person, I think both will make mistakes. The sensor on the car could get dirty, forzen and stuff like that which will make the computer system confused, and cause mistake, BIG mistakes like car accelerating thinking the street is all empty.
    Human error is a bit different, but yes both will make errors for sure.

  4. My question is: would you rather have a traditional or robotic car?
